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...this one or that one?

Have you ever asked yourself, "What camera do I want to buy?"? And not only that but what brand? Size? Price? Well,I feel your pain! So I did my homework and want to share some info with you.I will give you some links so you can check those technical specifications out yourself :)...Here we go:

Brand: Home

So...Nikon...First of all I would suggest to purchase a DSLR camera (you know those with detachable lenses...big and small :).Yes, it is true, they are more expensive. But, you get what you pay for. Unless you want to have a soap holder that'll fit into your purse :), you can buy really cheap but don't expect anything fancy! SO, DSLR.
       Let's talk about your finances first. How much would you like to spend on your camera? Would you wait and save more to buy a better one? You know for long, time I didn't have one...but my buddy did. I was able to borrow his whenever I needed it until I was able to afford my own Nikon. It was worth the wait! Anyways...back to your finances! Let's say you have around $400.Tough I know! But I would suggest to buy Nikon D40.You don't have to buy a new one. Ask your friends(sometimes they want to upgrade to a 'better' one),or look for something online. Nothing sketchy, especially if they have a return policy (be sure they do:). Nikon D60 will do the trick, but it is more expensive.So for you guys who want to take family pictures, pictures of your friend etc., I would suggest to purchase Nikon D3000 .It has some interesting features, but  most importantly, it is very simple to use. But, if you want to take a video with your camera as well...Nikon D5000.The cheapest you can find it new is at Costco ...

Brand : Home

Well let's say that personally I don't like Canon. I still think it's an awesome camera and a lot of people LOVE it! But, for me and I like the final picture more with Nikon. That's all. And I would suggest to purchase a DSLR camera as well. Again,the best price would be at Costco .

Brand : Home

Very good cameras.I had one myself. Very sharp image and very affordable.Worthy to have as your first DSLR camera. Again check online- it will be cheaper!

Also if you want to compare final images from different cameras it is ALWAYS helpful to check it out here:
FLICKR camera finder 
(Just click on a camera brand, pick a camera you are interested in, scroll down and you will see some pictures made with that particular camera.)

 And the MOST important thing: It is 75% you and only 25 % camera. You can do awesome shots with a $50 camera and very bad pictures with a $5000 one.

P.S.Again, that's what I think. All references in this post only for your convenience and NOT advertising!!!Enjoy!



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